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About Us

Experiencing & Sharing Hope in Christ

Our Schools are Adventist Christian Schools with an epic mission, to prepare young people for responsible citizenship in this world and the world come. We are committed to deliver quality in every aspect of our learners’ experiences, particularly encouraging learner growth academically, socially, emotionally and spiritually.

The Seventh-day Adventist philosophy of Education places a high value on a “balanced education.”  Our schools, therefore, arrange certain co‑curricular activities in accordance with the interests of the learners, and the skills and abilities of staff members.
Organised team sports with an undue emphasis on competition and winning as well as other inter‑school competitions are generally avoided, both for philosophical as well as practical reasons. The emphasis is on structured, but informal play and recreational activities. Learners have ample opportunity to relax with activities such as soccer, netball, badminton, tennis, volleyball, table tennis and swimming. Excursions and hiking expeditions are also undertaken. In all these co-curricular activities our aims are educational, and not just for the sake of amusement or entertainment.
The Bible teaching you receive at NCSA cannot be equalled at any Government school. It is unique to Seventh-day Adventist schools. The approach to Bible teaching is not only very modern, but also educationally very sound.
You will find that NCSA sets aside more time for Bible classes than do most other schools. In the Bible class more will also be expected of you than what you are perhaps used to. Do not be frightened by the idea, you will enjoy it. Wait and see!
More About Us
We offer a distinctive type of education that is in line with the educational ideals of the Seventh-day Adventist church.
Some similarities and differences between the educational ideals of the Department of Education (DoE) and the Seventh-day Adventist Church. There are similarities and differences between the educational ideals of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and that of the South African Department of Education.
The Significant Similarity
Both entities, e.g. would strive to educate learners to be responsible citizens of the globalised society in which we live today. This implies having the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes not only to survive, but also to make a positive contribution towards said society.
The Significant Difference

The essential difference between the two entities lies in the fact that the DoE (in public schools) attempts to achieve its educational ideals from a secular point of departure, whereas the Adventist church, through its educational institutions, attempts to do it from a religious and theistic point of departure.

Admissions Procedures

The School management and the teaching staff deal with the registration of learners during the beginning of each and every year. The procedure to be used is revised annually and is in line with the broad (DoE) policy.

Mrs EP Chivovo - Accountant

Mrs JT Hlanze - Education Director

Dr T Ndlovu - Senior Accountant

Emile DeWet - Accountant

Mrs M DuPont - HR Manager

Mrs Zelda - Administrative Secretary
